I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Christina Fuges on #ShowUP with GailNow. She has 28 years of experience in trade publishing and has been the Editorial Director of Moldmaking Technology Magazine for 23 of those years. She was a
LeadLoudly Leader leads with RESPECT: From Stilettos to Selfies
I recently had the privilege to interview Nathalie Gregg on my show, #ShowUp with GailNow live. She and I met on my favourite social media platform (Twitter) and really through networking, we became friends. Nathalie is a Change Agent, Enterprise
How can curiosity help your business be its best?
Dynamic. Powerful. Memorable. Brand stands test of time , impacts economy
To give a toast to the Immortal Memory of “Rabbie Burns” was an honour, but also a tremendous growing experience, both personally and professionally. Burns is renowned for writing Auld Lang Syne, as well as the impact he had
Grow your business with simple and effective Networking Tips
Do you hate networking? It often has more to do with the types of people and groups you may be hanging out with. It really can be that simple! Also, the tricky part is to realize you have to invest
Going Solo: Skills to save the day
Curiosity has always been my go-to to build my skill-set and my business. Recently, I had the privilege of being interviewed by David Shriner-Cahn on his podcast Going Solo and we spoke about how to use curiosity to build your
Be Curious – Not Judgmental: Powerful tool
Curiosity is a powerful tool It’s fuel behind the engine that has helped me in my professional life. I’ve fulfilled many roles over the years: journalist, bed-and-breakfast owner, fundraiser, marketing manager, brand ambassador, social media experimenter, public relations and keynote
When You’re Ready For Your Close-Up, Mr. DeMille
The classic cinematic quote “I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille” – taken from the 1950 classic film Sunset Blvd. – can be contextually applied to today’s world of effective marketing. How? Well, when it comes to marketing – especially
A Guide to How Manufacturers Can Show UP in the Digital Space
I had the privilege to be a guest on Lori Highby’s podcast, Social Capital, recently. We spoke about “How Manufacturers Can Show Up In The Digital Space”. Something I am known for is curiosity – which is the foundation for
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