You invested in a tradeshow…. So now what? You booked hotel rooms. You planned tradeshow travel You ordered banners or a booth. You bought the package to scan badges. You ordered some swag, as your tradeshow marketing. Cha-ching. You spent
How to use social media powerhouse for branding, leads and sales

In the world of marketing, there are always new platforms and strategies being professed as the next “big thing”. It is not feasible to keep up with all of them, but every once in a while, one comes along that
Shift from getting to giving delivers results & rewards
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi While it feels good to be served or to be on the receiving end of someone else’s generosity, can it be rewarding to
Stay-at-home Mom to powerhouse CEO: 30 years at helm!

Kim Thiara shows – not just tells – how to tackle life head-on, personally and professionally and now celebrates three decades leading a company started by her father. Thiara is the driving force behind a company who is making great
Selfies as cultural phenomenon have powerful storytelling value
Selfie – Selfie -Everywhere a selfie! We think they are new, but there is actually a longer history to them and a reason why they may not always be as narcissistic as one might think. June 21 is National Selfie
Build brands, create opportunities- embrace digital world with open arms

Showing up online can unlock opportunities for anyone, regardless of who you are or your station in life! So, what does it mean to show up? If you look up the phrase, you will find the following: to show up
Manufacturers win big with Curiosity as a Superpower
Ben Baker knows about branding – and podcasts – and life as keynote speaker. As a recovering journalist the table was turned for Ben to interview me. You can listen to the podcast here – read the transcript below –
How can curiosity help your business be its best?

When wanting to know more about people, it helps to know their stories. Channel the power of curiosity to create rewarding relationships and earn business. By James L Katzaman (Posted from with permission. Guest blog) Stories are the heart
Dynamic. Powerful. Memorable. Brand stands test of time , impacts economy
To give a toast to the Immortal Memory of “Rabbie Burns” was an honour, but also a tremendous growing experience, both personally and professionally. Burns is renowned for writing Auld Lang Syne, as well as the impact he had
Be Curious – Not Judgmental: Powerful tool
Curiosity is a powerful tool It’s fuel behind the engine that has helped me in my professional life. I’ve fulfilled many roles over the years: journalist, bed-and-breakfast owner, fundraiser, marketing manager, brand ambassador, social media experimenter, public relations and keynote