“Moldmaker, Moldmaker, shape me a form … Find me a find – craft me a mold! For products that matter, both big and so small, Oh, Moldmakers, Moldmakers, you’re admired by all.” You may have starting hearing the Matchmaker song
Ban Plastics – Why getting curious made me see a bigger picture

Ban plastics! A rallying cry I once thought made sense. Until I did a lot more research – asked more questions and crossed paths wtith Chris DeArmitt – PhD, FRSC, FIMMM And I reviewed his book: The Plastic Paradox.
Livestreaming: How to build on powerful force for branding, business growth & networking

This one tool has a significant impact on your business and your ability to build on the know- like-[ trust factor. A few things to think about for why Live Streaming is so valuable: 🔸 Build a Strong Brand Presence:
New Talk show to Kick Off: Much Power in Asking Questions to make Positive Change
As a lifelong learner and advocate for improving on personal and professional growth and an idealist for changing the world- I am constantly on the lookout for ways to expand my own knowledge and understand those around me. One
How to use social media powerhouse for branding, leads and sales

In the world of marketing, there are always new platforms and strategies being professed as the next “big thing”. It is not feasible to keep up with all of them, but every once in a while, one comes along that
Manufacturers win big with Curiosity as a Superpower
Ben Baker knows about branding – and podcasts – and life as keynote speaker. As a recovering journalist the table was turned for Ben to interview me. You can listen to the podcast here – read the transcript below –
LeadLoudly Leader leads with RESPECT: From Stilettos to Selfies
I recently had the privilege to interview Nathalie Gregg on my show, #ShowUp with GailNow live. She and I met on my favourite social media platform (Twitter) and really through networking, we became friends. Nathalie is a Change Agent, Enterprise
How can curiosity help your business be its best?

When wanting to know more about people, it helps to know their stories. Channel the power of curiosity to create rewarding relationships and earn business. By James L Katzaman (Posted from Tealfeed.com with permission. Guest blog) Stories are the heart
How To Connect To The World

My Twitter love affair started over an Apple Watch. I was off to a convention for the 8th World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress in Orlando, Florida in 2015. I had under 100 followers on Twitter and I mostly