“Moldmaker, Moldmaker, shape me a form … Find me a find – craft me a mold! For products that matter, both big and so small, Oh, Moldmakers, Moldmakers, you’re admired by all.” You may have starting hearing the Matchmaker song
Ban Plastics – Why getting curious made me see a bigger picture

Ban plastics! A rallying cry I once thought made sense. Until I did a lot more research – asked more questions and crossed paths wtith Chris DeArmitt – PhD, FRSC, FIMMM And I reviewed his book: The Plastic Paradox.
Livestreaming: How to build on powerful force for branding, business growth & networking

This one tool has a significant impact on your business and your ability to build on the know- like-[ trust factor. A few things to think about for why Live Streaming is so valuable: 🔸 Build a Strong Brand Presence:
Power of YouTube- 50K Subscribers- and a Passion to help others

” Tim Wilborne is an Industrial Automation YouTuber and a part of the Manufacturing Champions group on LinkedIn with GailNow! He runs TW Controls with Amber, with whom he shares a passion for helping people reach their goals. The
Seizing Opportunity to go after 3 million manufacturing jobs

Andrew Crowe knows how to #ShowUP in the world of recruiting in manufacturing. He was a teen father, a felon, a drug dealer and lived on the streets. However he has turned that life around and knows how valuable opportunity
How the heck do you get the best ROI from a tradeshow or event
You invested in a tradeshow…. So now what? You booked hotel rooms. You planned tradeshow travel You ordered banners or a booth. You bought the package to scan badges. You ordered some swag, as your tradeshow marketing. Cha-ching. You spent
Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble – or is it?
In today’s digital age, consumers are becoming increasingly savvy and can easily spot insincerity or lack of authenticity in a brand’s messaging. This is why humility is becoming an important ingredient in a successful public relations and communications strategy. Humility,
How to use social media powerhouse for branding, leads and sales

In the world of marketing, there are always new platforms and strategies being professed as the next “big thing”. It is not feasible to keep up with all of them, but every once in a while, one comes along that
Stay-at-home Mom to powerhouse CEO: 30 years at helm!

Kim Thiara shows – not just tells – how to tackle life head-on, personally and professionally and now celebrates three decades leading a company started by her father. Thiara is the driving force behind a company who is making great
Selfies as cultural phenomenon have powerful storytelling value
Selfie – Selfie -Everywhere a selfie! We think they are new, but there is actually a longer history to them and a reason why they may not always be as narcissistic as one might think. June 21 is National Selfie